by Denese Espeut-Post | Mar 15, 2013 | Agreements, Business, Money, Planning, Wine Law
Imagine going from owning 22 properties throughout the South Okanagan, 7 wineries and a distillery to receivership, liquidation and a financial loss of all your equity and then some. That is the unfortunate fate of the Holmans, the former owners of the Holman Farms,...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Mar 13, 2013 | Community
All of us at Avery Law Office are very proud of Miss Avery Law Office 2013, Nathalia Melgar Dorado, who represented our office with poise and confidence during the 2013 Summerland Blossom Pageant Judges’ Tea in February. Well done Nathalia!
by Denese Espeut-Post | Mar 13, 2013 | Community, Summerland Chamber
THANK YOU to all those who nominated and voted for Avery Law Office for the Professional Services Award at the 2013 Summerland Business and Community Awards. We are very grateful for your support and were very proud to be one of two finalists. Congratulations to...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Mar 13, 2013 | Free My Grapes, Wine Law
I spent some time on the BCWineChat website considering tonight’s topic regarding the Economic Impact of the Canadian Wine Industry. I understand the catalyst for this topic was the recently published Economic Impact Study on the Canadian wine industry completed by...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Feb 6, 2013 | Legal Libation Columns
A properly prepared lease agreement provides a lessee with the exclusive use of a specified parcel of land for a specified period. This means a lessee, say a farmer, gets a stake in the land that is good against people that may come along later and claim rights to the...