by Denese Espeut-Post | Apr 3, 2019 | Legal Libation Columns
What if I told you that this: In witness whereof the parties hereunto have set their hands to these presents as a deed on the day month and year hereinbefore mentioned. (24 words) and this: Signed on (DATE) _ (2 words plus the date) mean exactly the same thing? Which...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Mar 4, 2019 | Business
What if I told you that this: In witness whereof the parties hereunto have set their hands to these presents as a deed on the day month and year hereinbefore mentioned. (24 words) and this: Signed on (DATE) …………. (2 words plus the date) mean exactly the same thing?...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Feb 12, 2016 | Legal Libation Columns
How do you feel about acronyms? Sometimes it can be a fun guessing game. How about this one… ILA? Independent Learning Academy…Interior Logging Association…and my personal favorite, Independent Legal Advice. Okay, maybe not as exciting as the International Lime...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Dec 2, 2015 | Legal Libation Columns
We are wrapping up our trilogy on branding with this column. Let’s talk about protecting brand advertising. Your brand image represents what your customers think of and associate with your brand; it embodies the value of your brand. You have worked hard to establish a...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Oct 8, 2015 | Legal Libation Columns
If you enjoy a good trilogy, you are in for a treat. The Legal Libations “Branding” Triology is underway. In my last column, the focus was branding on the Internet. We chatted about domain names, cybersquatting, compliance with the laws of your consumer’s...