by Denese Espeut-Post | Jun 22, 2012 | Estate Planning, People of the Law, Planning, Wills, Wills & Estates
REQUIREMENTS FOR A WILL (B.C.) It is important for you to make a will when you are capable of doing so. This means that you are in good health and that you are mentally capable. If you are mentally incapable, you are not able to make a will. Mental capacity requires...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Jun 22, 2012 | Estate Planning, People of the Law, Planning, Wills, Wills & Estates
WILLS VARIATION (B.C.) An application to vary your will can be made by a child or spouse of a deceased. This is an application to seek redistribution of the testator’s estate if it can be established that adequate provision has not been made for the proper...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Jun 22, 2012 | Estate Planning, Planning, Wills, Wills & Estates
PROBATE Probate is a court process by which the Supreme Court of British Columbia determines whether it has jurisdiction to deal with your assets and which law will apply. The court will assume jurisdiction if you had assets domiciled in BC as of the date of your...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Jun 22, 2012 | Estate Planning, People of the Law, Planning, Wills & Estates
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ATTORNEY Who may act as attorney You may name one or more of the following persons as an attorney: an individual, other than an individual who provides personal care or health care services to the adult for compensation, or is an...
by Denese Espeut-Post | Jun 22, 2012 | Estate Planning, Money, People of the Law, Planning, Uncategorized, Wills, Wills & Estates
INTESTACY – Do I Really Need A Will? The simple answer is YES! Your will gives you some control over what will happen to the things that you own upon your death. You can make sure that the things that you own will go to the people you want to have them. Your...