How is your legal health?
As in all aspects of medical health, legal health is just as important. Failing to maintain it may result in finically costly and stressful consequences. Below you will read a non-exhaustive list of common legal issues that one should consult a lawyer for. Should any of these issues apply to you or a loved one, feel free to contact Avery Law Office for further assistance.
Business Law
Have you been asked to:
Act as a consignor or guarantor for another person’s debt?
Indemnify another party?
Provide financing to a business, providing collateral for a business loan?
Have you been asked to incorporate a business or enter into a partnership?
Are you considering starting a business as a sole proprietor or in partnership agreement or shareholders agreement for your business?
If you are an artist, writer or musician, do you protect the rights to your work?
If you invented something, do you know how to protect it while you promote it or try to get it manufactured?
Wills and Estates Law
Do you have a properly drafted Will that accurately reflects your current wishes?
Do you have any virtual property or rights that should be added to your will?
Do you have a properly drafted current Power of Attorney for Property?
Do you have a properly drafted current Power of Attorney for personal care?
Has anyone in your family recently passed away?
Have you registered to be an organ donor?
Real Property Law
Are you thinking of buying, financing or selling real estate?
Do you already own a home or other property either alone or with someone?
Is your mortgage due to be renewed?
Do you have a secure line of credit?
Are you thinking of building on some land or renovating an existing building?
Do you own or are you considering buying real estate in another country?
Are you operating your business out of your home?
Are you having any boundary, easement or usage issues with neighbors?
Are you renting out part of your home, or renting out another property?
Are you a tenant?
Do you have title insurance for any title, survey or other covered defects or fraud?
Do you know how to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of fraud?
Should any of these or other legal issues pertain to you, do not hesitate to contact Avery Law Office for a consultation. If there is no legal assistance required, we will kindly advise you. If there are grounds for examining the matter further, we will clarify so you can make a well-informed decision.