Estate Planning : Planning For the Unexpected

by | Apr 5, 2012 | Estate Planning, Planning, Wills & Estates

You can achieve peace of mind by preparing for life’s unexpected events today. Planning in advance for your death and potential mental incapability will give you some control over what happens to you, your dependents and your property. Most people prefer not to think about what may happen when they die or if they become incapacitated, but you need to consider the impact of these events upon your affairs and your loved ones. At Avery Law Office, we can help you plan for your future and discuss the benefits of the following documents with you.


A Will is a legal document that sets out what should happen with all of your belongings upon your death. It is an important estate planning tool and it allows you to express your wishes for what is done with everything you own upon your death.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document granting someone, the “Attorney”, the power to deal with your, the “Donor”, financial and legal affairs. The Attorney you appoint in your Power of Attorney acts as your agent and their power is limited to the power you choose to give them.

Advance Directive

An Advance Directive or “living will” is a written document that states your wishes for medical treatment if you are unable to express your wishes at the relevant time. It states the medical treatments that should or should not be given in certain circumstances.

Nomination of Committee

A Nomination of Committee is a written document that expresses whom you would like to have act as your “committee” if a court finds that you are incapable of managing yourself, your affairs or both.

Representation Agreement

A Representation Agreement is a legal document that grants someone, the Repre-sentative, the legal power to make health and personal care decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This document can be brought into effect without the need for court proceedings.

You can READ MORE on Estate Planning here



The information provided on this website is merely an informative guide and should not be relied upon for legal advice. It is intended to provide general information only. It is recommended that you see a lawyer about your particular legal situation and request legal advice.


This this information is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. Individuals should consult with their personal legal professional regarding the information provided herein.

<a href="" target="_self">Denese Espeut-Post</a>

Denese Espeut-Post

Denese Espeut-Post is a sole practitioner operating the boutique firm, Avery Law Office, with offices in Summerland and Princeton from which the Avery Law team strives to provide legal and professional services with a personal touch in the areas of wills and estates and real estate. Denese has been the gracious recipient of awards for both her quality of service and legal knowledge. She is proud to serve not only her clients, but her community, and is dedicated helping those in need of her services navigate difficult legal situations.